»Digital Divide«

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Maggie started chat and sent out 5 invitations 6 days ago

Rebecca joined the chat 6 days ago

amanda joined the chat 6 days ago

Rebecca joined the chat 6 days ago

Rebecca: hey amanda!

Maggie joined the chat 6 days ago

Maggie: Hello!

amanda: hey guys!

Rebecca: how are you both doing?

suzanne joined the chat 6 days ago

suzanne: heyy everyone

amanda: tough week here. it's my first day off and i'm super behind on life, haha. how are you?

Maggie: yeah, i'm kind of dragging here too

Maggie: i still haven't posted in this week's class discussion

Maggie: i always put it off and then feel so overwhelmed by all the posts

amanda: omg me too!

Maggie: anyway, tom emailed to say he'd be late so we don't have to wait for him

amanda: i'm still not through all the reading and videos

Rebecca: yes, defintiely behind here too. trying to get my first post up tonight.

Tom joined the chat 6 days ago

Tom: psych on time

amanda: yay tom!

Rebecca: heyo

Tom: yeah, huuuge technical issues at work today

Tom: but whatever. hi

Maggie: hey!

suzanne: hi, yayy everyone made it

Tom joined the chat 6 days ago

Maggie: okayyy should we get started?

amanda: yes!

Rebecca: yes, please! i'd like to be able to catch most of the bruins game!

Maggie: LOL

Maggie: alright, so how is everyone doing on their draft?

Maggie: has anyone run into any problems?

amanda: mine isn't up on the site yet, it's coming along a little slower than i expected

Maggie: tom, i think the stuff you put together looks really great so far

Maggie: i totally hear you amanda

Tom: thanks, maggie. like i said in the email, i'll try to have it worked into an essay structure tomorrow (with luck!)

amanda: yeah tom, i second that. everythings looks great

amanda: -s

Tom: oh good!

Rebecca: agreed; thanks for working on that portion, tom

suzanne: yeah looks good and thanks for tackling that intro part

Maggie: okay, so everyone is working on their subtopic draft

Maggie: and rebecca put together a wordpress site for us to potentially use for the presentation

Maggie: did everyone get a chance to look at it?

Maggie: i think it would definitely work and i would like to use it

Rebecca: http://digdivsum2011.wordpress.com/ - it's also on the front page of the wiki

amanda: It looks really great! I think it would be a really clean way to present our project

Tom: yeah, i stand corrected on my earlier assessment. this will be great

suzanne: rebecca, do we need we need to each create a wordpress account to have access? or you just need our email addresses

Rebecca: you each need to create an account in wordpress and then let me know the email address you signed up with so i can give you administrative privileges

Rebecca: or if you already have a wordpress account just send me the email address you used for that and i'll link you to the site

Tom: noted

suzanne: okay, thanks

Rebecca: i can write up a quick "how to" also if y'all aren't familiar with adding in content; no problem

Maggie: okay, so, we will each create the content for our subtopic page

Maggie: and we are working on the drafts for those now

amanda: alright i just created a wordpress account -- amandalbrennan@gmail.com​

Maggie: are we also doing a multimedia component to be embedded in the intro page?

Maggie: a slideshow or screencast or something?

Maggie: if so, we should talk about deadlines and division of labor for that asap

Maggie: (also, as an aside, we should each think about photo illustrations for our subtopic pages to make it look nice, creative commons or public domain stuff? that's like, the last thing to worry about at this point though.)

amanda: ooh good call on the pictures

amanda: is multimedia required? i dont know what kinds of things we would put on a screencast and i feel like a slideshow could be redundant with our pages all there

Tom: does wordpress host keynote files?

Tom: i've written off powerpoint

Maggie: i don't even know what keynote is

amanda: mac version of ppt

Maggie: i don't think multimedia is required amanda but it seemed like all the examples had multimedia

Maggie: i mean, we can embed relevant videos by other people

Maggie: rebecca, my wordpress email should be maggie.murphy@gmail.com

Maggie: i have a mac and i still didn't know that, amanda! lol

Rebecca: i think videos would be best; we have to include some anyway, i think, per the assignment description. and tom, i don't think it does suppor keynote. you ahve to upload your presentation to something like slideshare and then embed that

amanda: its way better maggie! you should check it out

Maggie: hahahaha

Maggie: i will

suzanne: i like the video idea, if we can find relevant ones...seems more like the class content

Maggie: that's perfectly fine with me!!

Rebecca: i couldn't find any info on it but do you know the deadline for when we have to submit readings and videos to the professor for approval?

Maggie: we should email her

Maggie: i was wondering that myself

Maggie: we should also discuss that

Maggie: i mean, what readings and videos we want to submit

Maggie: everything else is due by midnight a week from saturday

Tom: @rebecca - t.discepola@gmail.com for wordpress

Maggie: but i am assuming she wants stuff she needs to approve earlier than that

suzanne: rebecca---szwalzer@gmail.com wordpress account...thanks

Tom: someone just needs to email her. i'm deferring to our leader

Maggie: i'll do it right now and cc you guys

Tom: ps... totally into the video idea

Tom: seems like there's agreement on text & video?

Rebecca: thanks maggie; also, everyone is now set up as an admin. in the dashboard just go to "pages" and to your relevent sub-topic page; feel free to retitle as needed.

Tom: would the slideshow be redundant then?

amanda: awesome on both the emailing and the wordpressing

suzanne: i'm not sure...but i'm thinking i might make some of my content into a slideshare presentation, otherwise my page will be a borefest with all text

Maggie: okay, three ideas

Rebecca: in terms of class material maybe we should identify one or two readings and then a longer video (upwards of 20 or 30 minutes); then embedded on our site we could try and choose very short ones between 5-10 minutes?

suzanne: but that's just for my subtopic. unless i can find a good video

suzanne: yes, i agree rebecca

Maggie: 1) we do a slideshow of the intro content 2) we find relevant videos for the intro and our subtopics and embed 3) we each can do a mini slideshow of part of our content for our subtopic pages

Tom: i think i like rebecca's idea, but i want to make sure i understand. what do you mean identify one or two readings?

Maggie: we have to submit readings to lilia for the class to discuss for the week

Tom: i think what maggie's saying in (2) is closest to my view

amanda: are we all submitting 1 or 2 readings or just 1 or 2 as a group?

Maggie: i think we should aim for 2 readings and 1 long video, as a group

Maggie: because we will be linking to lots of other stuff in our presentation that will be fodder for class discussion as well

amanda: oh okay, that makes sense

Maggie: sorry to keep going back and forth, but re: the video/slideshow question

Rebecca: i agree with maggie on 1-2 for the group

Maggie: it sounds like we have a sort of consensus on 1) picking a short-ish video to embed in the intro AND 2) finding OR making various multimedia for our subtopics

Tom: group. sounds good. we have enough on our plates individually

Maggie: for our subtopics, it will basically be up to your discretion?

Tom: so, maggie - we come up, as a group, with an intro video... ah... you completed my thought. perfect

Maggie: photos, graphs, videos, slideshows you yourself made, etc.

Maggie: does that work for everyone?

suzanne: yea, we'll have 1-2 "mandatory" readings and one video...then our subtopic pages we can do whatever we want individually

suzanne: yes that works for me

Rebecca: i agree with suzanne definitely

Maggie: okay, great

Maggie: so, i will make a wiki page

Maggie: where we can propose videos and readings

Maggie: we need 2 readings and 2 videos (one long one to submit with readings, one shortish one to embed in intro page)

amanda: sounds good!

Maggie: just check out what everyone else puts up and then we'll decide that way?

amanda: by when?

Maggie: i would say, by our next meeting

Maggie: which should be early next week?

Tom1 joined the chat 6 days ago

Maggie: before rebecca leaves for ala?

Tom1: i had to clone myself for some reason. OK this all sounds great

Maggie: rebecca, when do you leave again?

Rebecca: yeah i'll be traveling all day thursday

Maggie: (also, TOTAL ASIDE, suzanne, did you ever get feedback from Jeanette about your term paper from principles of searching last semester?)

Maggie: (i just thought about that today; i never did)

suzanne: i didn't!!!! still waiting on that haha..i have a feeling it might be a while (if ever)

amanda: re: next week's meeting, i dont have my schedule for next week yet, so a monday or tuesday would be better

Maggie: i would love to do tuesday night

Tom1: ok, so someone correct me if i'm wrong - we're each submitting some articles we think will be good for required reading. then we'll editorialize them as a grouping, choosing the best 1 or 2 or whatever?

Maggie: tom, submitting to the wiki page

Maggie: basically, we're nominating stuff, then discussing on the wiki

Maggie: slash here

Maggie: just link to articles or upload them as files and embed or link to videos

Maggie: i feel like we've all come across candidates for articles and videos in our research by now

Maggie: i have one article in particular that i'm going to fight for!

Tom1: haha

Tom1: ok, that sounds perfectly democratic and all that

Rebecca: sounds great to me too

Rebecca: and i can meet on tuesday night as well

Tom1: alright. they're kicking me out of the building. still at work

Tom1: i'll send a note to the email thread if i suddenly become confused

Maggie: okay sounds good

Maggie: tom email if you can do tuesday!!

Tom1: bye everyone. GO BRUINS!

Tom1: tuesday is fine!

Maggie: great

Maggie: tuesday, 8 pm?

Maggie: everyone else who isn't getting kicked out of the building?

amanda: can we do 815 again?

Rebecca: 815 tuesday works for me too

Rebecca: since i'm kind of cutting out of the week a bit early can i do anything else? perhaps work on building the "additional resources" page on the wordpress site based on notes from everyone's wiki? (everyone/anyone can add to it as well)

Maggie: Sure, Rebecca, that sounds great

Maggie: I think the rest of the week will just be housekeeping

Maggie: Everyone should start posting their content to the Wordpress

Maggie: after the next meeting

Maggie: and we'll just make sure it all looks good and gets done by Saturday

Maggie: So, Tuesday, 8:15: try to finalize-ish your content by then

Maggie: and we'll finalize video and article selections

Maggie: and talk about anything else that needs to get done by saturday

suzanne: sounds good to me

amanda: excellent!

Maggie: Also, next week, we'll all need to submit a journal about our group work

Rebecca: yes, sounds great

Maggie: I read that in the syllabus today

Maggie: Just as a reminder

Rebecca: ah yes, thanks maggie

suzanne: oh yeah, thanks for reminding, forgot about that

Maggie: Alright, great! Well, the wiki page is set up

amanda: oh thanks for the reminder!!

Maggie: And I'll send out a chat invite next Tuesday

Maggie: And hopefully Lilia will get back to use soon about when she wants the stuff

Maggie: and hopefully she wants it after our next meeting

amanda: agreed!

Rebecca: yes, hopefully!

Maggie: alright, perfect

Maggie: well i'm going to try to throw some stuff up on the class discussion

suzanne: if not we can always figure it out through the wiki/email..but hopefully we'll have til tthen. see everyone on tuesday!

Maggie: see you then!

Rebecca: have a great night!

amanda: night!

Maggie: bye!

Maggie joined the chat 113 minutes ago

Tom joined the chat 75 minutes ago

Maggie joined the chat 72 minutes ago

Maggie: Hey Tom

rebeccamartin joined the chat 69 minutes ago

Maggie: Hey Rebecca

rebeccamartin: hey guys - how's it going?

Maggie: pretty good

Maggie: waiting for my sushi delivery

Maggie: with bated breath

Maggie: how about you?

Tom: yo

Tom: sushi

Tom: so good

Maggie: i knowwww

Maggie: i wish it were here already

AmandaB joined the chat 66 minutes ago

Maggie: hey amanda

Tom: sometimes sushi is late

AmandaB: Made it! I'm on a train so apoloogies if I get kicked out

suzanne joined the chat 65 minutes ago

rebeccamartin: thanks for checking in on your way home

suzanne: hey everyone

AmandaB: Yeah I'm sorry I messed up the days, glad it worked out though

Maggie: no problem, it was my fault for messing up the date

Maggie: i was literally like, okay, what's whatever date we met last week plus 6

Maggie: but i still messed up

Maggie: because i am bad at math

Maggie: okay so we're all here

AmandaB: Numbers are the worst

Maggie: on the agenda: picking readings/videos, talking about discussion questions, ironing out kinks/anything else we need to talk about

Maggie: plus anything else i've forgotten

Tom: everything's due on saturday?

AmandaB: I really liked the first two links on the discussion page

Maggie: yes, by midnght

Maggie: i also liked the first two readings the best

rebeccamartin: right i'm confused - in the email she sent out, and now on the syllabus it says "Hand in your materials BY THE FRIDAY BEFORE YOUR TOPIC WEEK OPENS (remember we have an unusual schedule that runs Saturday-Friday)"

Maggie: she is confused, class starts on sunday

rebeccamartin: and i agree about the readings

Maggie: it's due saturday at midnight

Maggie: i think she's a little mixed up since she's teaching two classes

AmandaB: I thought that was misprinted info from the other class she is teaching?

Maggie: okay, so three votes for the first two articles

Maggie: tom & suzanne, what do you think?

Tom: i put up the third i think

Tom: but it may be a little too narrowly focused

Tom: so i'm fine with the majority opinion

suzanne: i also vote for the first two..a good mix of academic and more how-to guide

suzanne: but do we want to do both or choose one? the first group only had 1 article

Maggie: ooh my food is here

AmandaB: Can we do one suggested and not required maybe?

Maggie: brb in two min

suzanne: yeah! we could definitely do that

suzanne: we don't want to require both...people will not be happy

Tom: 1 suggested, 1 required

rebeccamartin: i really liked the video that tom posted featuring allison clark; it's long though so perhaps we could do one article and the video? if we went with the first article i think the discussion of the knowledge gap ties in nicely with clark's talking about digital literacy

AmandaB: Yeah if the first group set a precedent of one, I can see people not being happy

AmandaB: I liked that video too, that's a good alternative

Maggie: i like this idea too

suzanne: that works, those two tie in

Maggie: first article, tom's video, recommend the second article?

suzanne: yep...sounds good

Maggie: i also like the video that amanda recommended (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEJIgDTrg... for the intro video for the website. it's only 2 minutes long but i think it makes its point

rebeccamartin: i agree with that

suzanne: oh yeah i like that one too. it's perfect for a short intro video

Tom: 1 req vid, 1 req article, 1 sug vid, 1 sug article

Tom: haha, sorry

Tom: people are going to watch a 2min video no matter what

Maggie: well the suggested vid will just be in the presentation

Maggie: per what we discussed last week

Maggie: but we can change anything at this point, obviously

Tom: cool

AmandaB: Yeah it's not that long.

suzanne: and it's really engaging so it will get people interested in the topic

Maggie: okay, so: first article (req), tom's video (req), second article (rec), amanda's video (rec, embedded in intro page to presentation)

Maggie: agreed?

AmandaB: Agreed!

Maggie: just trying to move things along

suzanne: agreed!

rebeccamartin: yes, agreed

Tom: i missed something. the second article is required now?


Tom: nevermind


Maggie: cool, moving along

Maggie: discussion questions!

Maggie: we need two, i guess?

suzanne: i think we should base a discussion question on Amanda’s experiment ideasomething like: Imagine going for a week without internet, what would that experience be like?

Maggie: i like that idea too

Maggie: good stuff usually emerges when people get anecdotal in this class

AmandaB: Yeah, I'd like one of the questions to be a personal experience one like group 1's first q

rebeccamartin: based on amanda's suggestion we could develop a few different scenarios like only access the internet on your phone for a day, only use internet at work for work-related things not personal emails, shopping, etc. and then report back on the limitations

rebeccamartin: or limit yourself to one hour for personal internet-use (mirroring terminal "check out" times in public libraries)

Maggie: that's a good idea, rebecca, because it also ties into the issue of digital inequality vs. digital divide (that even those with access don't always have meaningful, consistent access)

AmandaB: Good call on the limit!!

suzanne: and gives people a few options, in case they want to actually try the experiment rather than imagine it

Maggie: okay, so if we pose a few scenarios as one discussion prompt, what should we do for the other one?

Maggie: maybe something more "academic"?

Tom: just typing that, yes. academic

AmandaB: Agreed it should be more academic.

Tom: i think we should try and get the class to pull in real world journalistic examples of the digital divide

rebeccamartin: agreed

AmandaB: One thing that ive been thinking about through this project is whose responsibility it is to fix these problems

AmandaB: Ie: the in declared the Internet a right I think recently but how does that get enforced and whose job is that?

Maggie: tom, could you explain more?

AmandaB: united nations sorry autocorrect

Maggie: no prob, i'm impressed you're typing from a phone at all

AmandaB: Brb train stop

Tom: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/17/us/17b...

Tom: for amanda: "hispanics rank high on digital divide"

Tom: i'm saying academic discussion can get abstract, so sticking to journalism, we could encourage the class to think about this concrete social terms

Tom: hunt around the internet for stories like that

Tom: i'm curious to see what people find

Maggie: i like that idea

Maggie: if amanda wants, she can introduce the question about whose responsibility it is via a news article in class discussion

Maggie: if we do that?

AmandaB: Surely!

suzanne: oh that's interesting, so almost like a diigo type of thing, find an article and comment on it

rebeccamartin: the only thing about doing news articles is lilia seems to want a focus, as much as possible, on evidence as opposed to rhetoric and "digital punditry." perhaps we could ask people do find articles that they can link back in an engaging way to the reading and video?

rebeccamartin: some may do that anyway, but explicitly asking them to do so in the question?

rebeccamartin: i love the idea for sure though - love diigo

Maggie: rebecca, i agree that we should make a caveat about evidence vs. rhetoric

AmandaB: Yeah the sharing articles might get too All over the place

Tom: oh, yeah. i should've actually mentioned i have in mind a prompt like this, "Drawing from this week's readings and video lecture, provide and explain your selection of the digital divide in the news."

Tom: errr, something like that

Maggie: something like that would work, i think

rebeccamartin: i agree

suzanne: we could also ask a specific question..like how does the dig divide affect education? or whatever, and find an example as evidence and/or reference our required reading/article

suzanne: reading/*video

Maggie: education definitely seems to be a big focus in the literature

Maggie: but keeping it broad might also bring in other interesting factors that we ourselves haven't even covered

Maggie: i'm up for whatever

Tom: i think keeping it broad will prompt discussion more. that's the charm of anecdotal prompts

suzanne: ahh true..we could keep it broad, not limit any one

Maggie: okay, so i am going to post the above on the wiki and we can tease out the wording there

Maggie: since we have solid concepts

Maggie: i will also volunteer to send everything in on saturday night

Maggie: unless someone else wants to do it

Maggie: i'm going to the beach on saturday but will be home at night

Maggie: and that gives everyone else the day to finish up their sections

Maggie: because i can submit it at like 11:45 pm or whatever

rebeccamartin: thanks, maggie - plan sounds good to me

suzanne: sounds good, our fearless leader. thanks!!!

Tom: YES


Sorry back! Home now. Tom I like that
refined idea

Tom: good good good. security is kickin' me out the building

Maggie: okay tom, be sure to read the transcript of the rest of the chat

Tom: everyone have a pleasant night

Tom: will do, maggie

Maggie: bye1

Maggie: !

Maggie: okay, so, everyone else:

rebeccamartin: goodnight!

Maggie: is anyone having any trouble with the wordpress site?

Maggie: it looks as though suzanne finished her section

Maggie: and mine is mostly up

Maggie: i have to write some more blurbs but i did the main part

suzanne: i think so...minus a few editing touches. your part looks good! i wasn't sure if mine was too long

Maggie: people can (and will) always skim if it gets too long

AmandaB: I'm going to put mine up tomorrow

Maggie: great!

suzanne: so once we each put up our sections on wordpress, and figure out the official wording for the discussion questions, we're set?

Maggie: i think so

amanda joined the chat 16 minutes ago

amanda: ah, a comptuer.

amanda: and i still cannot spell.

rebeccamartin: i should have mine up and done tomorrow too - including the "additional resources" page (if that's something we still want to do)

amanda: yeah, i think we're good after that

Maggie: i'll send her a url to the presentation, pdfs for the articles, and the discussion questions

Maggie: i think the additional resources page is definitely something we should do, unless it's a burden to you!

Maggie: in which case, screw it

Maggie: our individual sections will be chock full of info/resources

rebeccamartin: no it's not at all! should we keep the diigo link up there though? i don't know that we really used it enough to make it worth showing-off

suzanne: we could always put the articles/videos that didn't make the cut under additional resources

amanda: agreed, we can just transfer over what's there

Maggie: that's a good idea

amanda: er, re: diigo

rebeccamartin: yes, that's definitely what i had planned in addition to pulling out some either websites, organizations, etc.

suzanne: we could keep the diigo, if we add more to it in the next few days. i ended up saving a lot of my links on my own diigo page, but i could easily tag them to the group

Maggie: i wouldn't mind going through and adding stuff to diigo too

amanda: i could add stuff too!

rebeccamartin: okay - i'll leave the link on the page and come saturday if we havent had time to beef it up we can just delete the link from the presentation

amanda: should we just have the addt'l resources link just go straight to the diigo?

Maggie: that's an idea!

suzanne: i like that!

rebeccamartin: i think we could do that for sure! the only weird bookmarks might be articles under RU subscription, but I think it could work; if we use the right URL it should just prompt them for their netID

amanda: yeah, that would be awesome!

Maggie: that works for me

suzanne: and if it becomes a problem with academic articles, we can always revert back to the original page on wordpress

amanda: well one option for academic articles would be to include the DOI in the description when we post it

Maggie: good point, amanda

rebeccamartin: yes, definitely

Maggie: okay, so, we'll link to diigo

Maggie: include doi when linking to academic articles through ru libraries

Maggie: and that way, wise students can chase them doiwn through their own libraries

Maggie: anything else we should discuss?

rebeccamartin: yes - good point

Maggie: i think we're in good shape

suzanne: me too...we have this under control . so to do: post wordpress, finalize discussion questions, add to diigo, groupwork journal entry

Maggie: yes

amanda: i'm feelin' good about it!

rebeccamartin: me too! y'all are great

Maggie: okay, great

Maggie: i'll add the discussion questions to the wiki

Maggie: i look forward to seeing the finished project!

amanda: me too!

Maggie: goodnight everyone

suzanne: me too, good luck with the work, everyone

rebeccamartin: yes, definitely. goodnight!